Nearly half of Russians support withdrawal of troops from Ukraine

Nearly half of Russians support withdrawal of troops from Ukraine

by Aggravating_Set_8861

  1. Russians are literally getting massacred in the worst war since WW2. Please stop, for the sake of Ukraine.

    Keep fucking around and you will find out. God (and Im atheist) help us…..

  2. But Russia needs to expand, because it is existential threat from expanding NATO. Expansion in expense of economy, position in world and army potential

  3. Its practically impossible in Russia to get accurate results because many will answer with a politically correct answer for fear that the “anonymous” survey could be followed up by a visit from the FSB.

  4. >As many as 32% of respondents said they were ready to participate in the war against Ukraine by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, while 30% expressed the opposite intention. 29% of Russians were in favor of a new wave of mobilization.

    I don’t believe nearly that many are “ready to participate”. The 29% wanting more mobilization, aren’t the ones who would be themselves mobilized, but want the conquest profit.

  5. “I support withdrawal of troops from Ukraine, on the other hand it’s best if they remain there. Who am I to say, I know nothing about politics, I leave it to the experts”.

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