The shitstain between Italy and Germany

The shitstain between Italy and Germany

by Bonaventura69420

  1. If anyone of you will ever consider helping Austria just remember how they repaid Poland for saving them at Vienna against the Ottomans.

  2. This perfectly shows the Austrian mindset in general. Don’t know why Poland got the “Bully with victim complex” flair while we exist lmao

  3. I remember the last time helping Austria escalated in the worst scenario humanely possible. At this point I don’t mind make Austria a Russian or North Korean exclave or some shit

  4. The whole ‘neutrality’ mindset here is sometimes really frustrating.

    Like, we’re not even neutral anymore and I’d say we were at best more or less neutral at one point but that’s long ago.

    We are basically protected by NATO, but can’t join because ‘neutrality’. When saying we could change that people claim we can be like Swizerland, yet they have at least a military. Ours is far too weak to do much and it’s not like the population wants to give them much support

  5. this is a false equivalence: if you ask for austria or for romania in germany, you won’t get the same answer. So the same applies in austria: if you ask them about germany or « a european country », the answer won’t be the same.

    t.l.d.r.: Austria is a shitstain, and Op too (for more than just being german)

  6. I’m annoyed by our neutrality fetish, but as a data scientist I’m also annoyed by this survey that didn’t manage to keep their question consistent over two questions.

    (Eg not a single country is currently sending “armed troops” to Ukraine while many are supporting them militarily. Those things don’t have the same meaning.

    In the same survey only 14% said they would defend Austria with a weapon in hand, about the same that think Austria should send troops to defend other countries.)

  7. don’t put Austria with us.

    We have no military alliance and have to rely on our (questionable) swiss military and cheese bunkers.

    Although for a time for one was to invade Switzerland, the world should be going real bad

  8. If anyone attacks euro aus imma send the emus after them!

    If anyone attacks my eu bois well I might be able to send some roos and a koala.

  9. Not to be pedantic but ‘supporting militarily’ and sending troops are not the same thing. I think for example that most Dutch people are fine with sending money and military equipment to Ukraine but sending actual Dutch soldiers is definitely an extra step.

  10. Excuse me, please, but putting Austria in the same rich-category as us is unacceptable.

    Luxembourg yes, Austria, no.

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