The Protection of European Interests has Priority

The Protection of European Interests has Priority

by Informal_Mountain513

  1. From all countries I would assume that Germans would have direct translation to German of “rés pública”*. It feels weird to me when Poland is called a republic. Maybe Gemeinwesen Polen would be better translation for “Rzeczpospolita Polska”.

    *Rzeczpospolita is just direct translation of “rés pública” to Polish instead of borrowing the term from Latin.

  2. NO GERMANY! Don’t do it! You have changed and you are better than that now!

    Also let’s be serious 2024 Poland would likely kick your ass.

  3. Deutschland have once again stretched their supply lines way too thin as Wehrmacht enter Lower Silesia even though the cats have been roaming Kursk for several weeks already.

  4. .. kerb-crawling very east-German Autobahns

    They’re trying to pick up a war

    Going to even the score

  5. 2022: You knew you were in interesting times when the Polish told the Germans to man up and grow their military.

  6. 2022: You knew you were in interesting times when the Polish told the Germans to man up and grow their military.

  7. hans you didn’t finish painting that symbol on the back of the track, there are a few lines missing.

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