Social Media Demographic Stats

Social Media Demographic Stats

Posted by dummy-Ai

  1. Crazy to see Instagram being more left leaning just based on the content it serves me. Anecdotal of course, but it serves up hot fresh right wing bs on a daily basis to me.

  2. I find the relatively stable Black percentages (mid teens outside the Truth Social/Rumble outliers) interesting… I always had the impression of certain apps culturally being the one a stereotypical Black person tended to go for, but that doesn’t seem to hold true with this data.

  3. This is fascinating especially since social media is becoming the primary source for news for the majority of people.

    I’m curious whether some of these demographics are dependent on social media.  Like when I look at this I see Reddit has college educated that leans democratic and that makes sense.  But does it lean more or less democratic than the overall education and Democrat breakdown.   

    But then again when you start doing serious cross tab diving the data starts to really become questionable.

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