Trump Claims Women Are ‘Depressed, Unhealthy and Unhappy’ Without Him, Says He Will ‘FIX ALL OF THAT’ Quickly

Trump Claims Women Are ‘Depressed, Unhealthy and Unhappy’ Without Him, Says He Will ‘FIX ALL OF THAT’ Quickly

Trump Claims Women Are ‘Depressed, Unhealthy and Unhappy’ Without Him, Says He Will ‘FIX ALL OF THAT’ Quickly

Posted by inewser

  1. In what reality can this tubby piece of excrement unironically comment on anyone else’s health? He’s grossly unhealthy.

  2. I guess his plan is to make women subservient to men. Can’t have a physical and mental health crisis among women if they’re too afraid to speak up.

  3. If we are depressed and unhealthy it’s due to unchecked consistent depletion of bodily autonomy by unhinged GOP evangelicalized ignorant Twats. 

  4. Women are depressed and unhappy BECAUSE of him and other Republicans legislating their liberties and freedoms away in every red state they control. Women are dying thanks to them.

  5. He can 100% fix all of this by expiring tomorrow.

    He’s lived too long. I miss the good ole days when old people just died.

  6. Sounds like he intends to sexually assault every woman in America! What a fucking animal. How sad for the women who vote for this pig.

  7. Leave it to an old, obese, white man to tell all American women what they really want and need. What could possibly go wrong? s/

  8. LIKE MelaniA?? BWHhahhahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahhaaaaaaaaaababbab

  9. Yeah that from the guy who remarried how many times??! Not to mention the sexual assault stuff?! Trump thinking he knows how to please a woman is like me thinking I can grow a full head of hair again in my 40s.

  10. During his presidency, I ended up on meds for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression. Since he left office, I’ve lost weight, look and feel better, and I’m off everything except occasional anxiety meds.

    Fuck Donald Trump. I don’t want to go back, I want to move forward.

  11. What did he fix “quickly” the last time? Women are dying as a direct result of this POS stacking the Supreme Court, not to mention being forced to have child as a result of SA.

    He is desperate for women to vote for him and no sane woman would vote for him. Lay in the bed you made Donny.


    Oh lordy, he’s still saying the baby execution thing?

  13. Is he planning to fix this with his mushroom cap? What a sick man. His brain is sick. He’s sick. He looks sick.

  14. I’m unhappy that his orange ass is still spewing his bullshit every day. When he goes away forever I will be happy again

  15. If he wins(please no please no) he’s going to be very busy fixing all the shit quickly he is promising. I think we know how well that will work. End the Ukraine and Gaza conflicts in 24 hours, deportation of all immigrants that he doesn’t like day one, and now making life better for woman. He could help woman by not raping and sexually assaulting them.

  16. He is making his wife happy by not being around her so he is telling the truth, he can make women happy.

  17. The only way he could fix my unhappiness and depression would be if he died. Violently and as painfully as possible.

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