Ballymena – Fight

Came out of the car wash and these boys were shouting at passing cars; Van must’ve shouted something at them.

by Nxah69

  1. Fair play to yer man having the balls to get out of his car. Size or no size they had numbers man. Fuckin what the universal credit is going on there

  2. When the big guy got out of the car I just thought of the Simpsons scene ‘this is the largest automobile I’m able to afford’.

  3. Fuck me Andre the giant randomly pops out of a Leon, this had the making of legend if he crushed all in way.


  4. & out of the car stepped Giant Haystacks, just as well his mate Big Daddy didn’t jump out too🤣🤣

    If it had been anyone smaller the chance are they’d have turned towards them too. It’s disgusting to think how frightening this would have been for a couple of pensioners, or young children getting caught up in it, be terrifying for them.

  5. Ballymena were playing Cliftonville I believe for anyone not following the soccerball, might have caused a few tensions about the town.

  6. Jaysus, would have been some scenes if Hodor hadn’t kept his cool when he got out of his Skoda Leon!

  7. Kids look like they think they are one of those wannabe “ultras”
    Absolutely pathetic and embarrassing

  8. the wains about now want to act like they are big hard ones but then pull the “im a kid card” whenever anyone challenges them in any sort of way, seems to make them feel invincible

  9. Must have said something… Like “Dougie’s Goodies is no better or worse than any other local bakery” and then it all kicked the fuck off.

  10. He attacked a kid? Is the kid in the room with us 👀

    Wee cunt started something and all he did was grab a hold of him? I’m so sick of this shit teenagers running around like hard men because their parents don’t know how to control or raise them properly.

    Why is one of then wearing a bag top less and wearing a red mask?

    I only wish the giant had of done something.

  11. What started this? Can’t seem to figure it out lol, did they throw something at the van?

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