Do all Portuguese have micro PPs like Ronaldo?

Do all Portuguese have micro PPs like Ronaldo?

by rex-ac

  1. So…if the replica is true to the original… I take Ronaldo has hairless balls and the tip always exposed?

  2. they put the hair on it too ahahaha, appreciate the attention to detail. also didn’t ronaldo get botox injected into his penis?

  3. We’re growers not showers! just ask your mom…. Or dad! We don’t discriminate by gender either.

  4. He’s a grower, not a shower. Also, Portugal’s most accurate statue tells different story. Just look at Susan’s smile:

  5. Completely OT. These are cheap action figures. My ex used to collect higher quality dolls and they did come with a set of removable peens.

    Love how some guy got one of these here and then checked the pants.

  6. “Hi Ronaldo, thanks for coming in to model for the new doll, now if you wouldn’t mind getting your cock out that would be great”

  7. That’s basically how Portugal was created. We took all the dudes with micropenis and women with moustaches and gave them a piece of land.

    Sometimes you can’t say who is male or female, even if they’re naked.

    But you should thank us for giving them the most remote part of the peninsula, and thus not letting them enter the rest of the continent.

    I’ve heard they’re doing great, they even learnt how to fish, and without any help!

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