Ukrainian Nina Pashkevich, 47-year-old weightlifter, coach, and army sniper, was killed in action in the Donetsk Oblast. She had won the Ukrainian Weightlifting Championship in April 2024, adding to collection of nearly 100 sports awards.

Photos – Zdolbuniv City Council FB

by BostonLesbian

  1. Sincerest condolences to Nina’s family, friends and colleagues.
    Eternal Glory to the Heroes.

  2. Heroyam slava! You will be remembered. You stood for your beliefs and fought for them instead of being scared. Rest easy hero. ❀️

  3. She died fighting ruzzian men. Hopefully she took out many of them

    Slava Ukraini may she rest in peace

  4. So sad.

    RIP Nina Pashkevich.
    May your soul witness Ukraine’s final Victory.

    Thank you for your bravery, service and sacrifice. πŸ˜”πŸ’πŸŒ…

  5. May she be forever remembered for her sacrifice and fight for freedom. A true warrior through and through. Valhalla will be lucky to have her.

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