Any idea what happened on tower bridge tonight.

For getting an out of nowhere ride and accusatory response just now. I’ve reposted it. Sorry, I tried to post before and I had not hidden the license plates and no it wasn’t to generate anything for any reason. I just didn’t think of it. Sorry.
Yes, I am assuming people were hurt but hoping for better news that they’ll be ok.
I’m genuinely curious how people were going that fast right there. I walk through this area all the time and I see scooters driving stupid but it’s such a difficult area to really gain speed for this kind of accident.

by unchartedfour

  1. Sometimes I moan about mandatory speed limiters, then get reminded about dickheads like these who really need them

  2. It’s time cars were prevented from exceeding the speed limit, drivers cannot be trusted. Authorities need to act because this is not acceptable in 2024.

  3. Honestly don’t know how you’d get up enough speed over Tower Bridge to do that kinda damage.

    Unless it was some dickhead trying to smoke their tyres and do burn outs, but even then I don’t think they’d be going fast enough to rip the roof off the car.

  4. Multi-car RTC, about 7pm this evening. One person was trapped by nature of their injuries, suspected spinal damage hence the roof coming off.

    Whole thing happened right in front of a fire engine luckily, so was dealt with pretty quickly.

  5. How stupid a person needs to be drive so fast and reckless in such a road where lots of pedestrians and cyclists are around to end up crashing their car like that is just beyond me.

  6. I’m guessing the fire brigade cut off the roof of the car but how on earth do you have such a bad head on collision on this bit of road just before tower bridge?!

  7. There is also a 20mph average speed check limit, covering before and after the bridge. How the heck. I want to watch that video.

  8. How’s this even possible, I am sure there will be less damage if it fallen off the bridge🤦🏻‍♂️

  9. I’m gonna hazard a guess that someone tried to over-take in the wrong direction; at speeds above the 20mph limit.

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