‘Planning passports’ that automatically approve high-quality new homes will be a game-changer, says Keir Starmer

‘Planning passports’ that automatically approve high-quality new homes will be a game-changer, says Keir Starmer



  1. Excellent. The UK needs significantly more ‘as of right’ building enabled. Making everything discretionary is an absurd way to run a ‘planning’ system.

  2. How’s about some GPs, dentists, hospitals etc — didn’t the last government build a new estate without providing any of the essentials in the area?

    Dentists have definitely got to be the highest on the priority list as they’ll make whatever lovely government we have in some money back

  3. > Under the scheme, any proposal that meets high standards for design and quality will be speeded through the planning process with the default decision for planning authorities being “yes”.

    Sounds good. Will that mean heat pumps as default? And EV charge unit?

    If developers are happy with that then the proposal could be good

  4. If we keep building in a desperate attempt to unfuck ourselves there’ll be nothing left. New builds have been decimating my home town, with more and more houses and seemingly less and less public services, infrastructure and jobs.

  5. 6 months before it comes out some unscrupulous construction company has managed to get one of these passports through dodgy dealings, and has already created 1000 properties with shoddy cladding or something.

    It will also come to light that some MP is married to the CEO of said construction company.

  6. >Under the scheme, any proposal that meets high standards for design and quality will be speeded through the planning process with the default decision for planning authorities being “yes”.

    – Excellent, more of this please

    – The default decision for all planning decisions should be “yes”.

  7. Plenty of whinging and transparent attempts to stop building from NIMBYs who already have houses, as usual. Sorry. You lot helped to create the housing crisis and not drastic measures are needed.

  8. “High quality new homes” is an oxymoron. You can’t build a house out of Sellotape and cardboard (unless you’re a British home-building company hiring a team of 6-month apprentices).

    And what raging cheapskate came up with the idea of a semi-detached houses anyway? I don’t want to hear my neighbours plugging things into the wall simply because you built the shared wall out of papier-mâché and twigs.

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