Israelische Polizei durchsucht das Büro von Al Jazeera

Israelische Polizei durchsucht das Büro von Al Jazeera

  1. I watched it live on tv moments ago.

    Edit: changed “saw” for “watched” and added “on tv” to avoid confusion.

  2. Calling Al Jazeera ‘Qatari propaganda machine’ is the only accurate term. Any network that avoids criticizing the authoritarian regime it serves can’t be trusted. The fact that they could broadcast from Israel during the war, despite Qatar not recognizing Israel, while funding and hosting its enemies, says a lot about Israel’s tolerance and Qatar’s hypocrisy.

  3. Good, I bet they will find a trove of valuable intelligence. More terrorist assinations to come!

    Ohh, and follow the money!

  4. It is pretty much fascist terrorists fighting Arab terrorists at this point. I just hope the US stops funding it.

  5. Anything that doesnt bootlick the IDF is considered terrorism for bibi and his homies. Good thing /r/worldnews is safe

  6. I remember watcher Al Jazeera in the aftermath of 9/11 and thinking they were a bunch of terrorists. A little young, naive, and a little patriotic. Kind of stopped paying attention to it. In the last few years, especially as American news sources have become nothing but commercials and rhetoric (both sides), I find myself looking at outside of US news agencies for the actual news. I have definitely started following Al Jazeera agin more since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And have felt like they have done a pretty good job of explaining the situation, while not holding punches against Russia.

    I have felt like they have become more rhetoric since October 7, 2023. I don’t have a dog in the fight, but if I am in a war zone, and I feel like the journalist are no longer press and are actively supporting the enemy, I may too remove them from the situation.

  7. When a “News agency” broadcasts a video on how to destroy your tanks, you shut them down.
    Honestly they should’ve been shut down years ago, they are the modern version of Der stürmer, with weird obsession with Jews and Hindus.

  8. Shut down almost all sources of news now. Blatantly, brazenly committing genocide while the world watches on, doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

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