Boomers are subsidizing Gen Z and millennial spending habits, ‘Oracle of Wall Street’ says

Boomers are subsidizing Gen Z and millennial spending habits, ‘Oracle of Wall Street’ says

by FUSeekMe69

  1. My boomer parents borrowed $15k from me – they are not subsidizing anything. They collect social security.

  2. >Baby boomer parents are handing over money to their Gen Z and millennial children, allowing them to fuel strong consumer spending, according to Meredith Whitney, the onetime “Oracle of Wall Street” who predicted the Great Financial Crisis.

    Yeah, I’m gonna disagree with her on this one.

  3. My wife and I won’t give our kids shit until we die. They don’t need it as they are doing much better than I was at their age. Homeowners , lucrative jobs, a couple are self employed.

  4. Any kind of inheritance or extra money was sucked out of my family via medical bills and nursing homes. We are all broke.

  5. My parents helped me out when I was getting my PhD, letting me love with them for free, and let me stay until I finally found a place after I graduated. Without their help, I’d still be working at a good paying job I hated in upstate NY. They helped me to follow my gut and dreams, and there’s no shame in that. Family helps family period.

  6. I’d argue it’s the other way around. The younger generation is paying inflated prices for housing to Boomers because Boomers have generally colluded to keep supply low. They bought at a time when housing was inexpensive and have done everything in their power to make it more expensive.

  7. I see kids posting about inheriting millions from Grandpa in other forums here on Reddit. Atleast one post a day asking what they should do with all their money. It’s definitely a thing.

  8. Lol.

    Now do social security.

    Now do national debt.

    Now do the increased costs of everything and anything that you need to progress in society that the Boomers were able to pay for with a summer job.

    Now do all the messes that these people keep making, like COVID-19, global warming, the gerrymandered politics of the country, and repealing Roe v Wade.

    We’ll be subsidizing these idiots for generations after they’re dead, as we have been our entire lives.


  9. Umm I’m just hoping to avoid sacrificing my career and dippping into my own retirement to provide for end of life care for my mother who didn’t prepare on her own.
    I’m not counting social security in my retirement plans but hey I pay that every month.

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