Reuters: USA stellen der Ukraine weitere 375 Millionen Dollar Militärhilfe zur Verfügung

Reuters: USA stellen der Ukraine weitere 375 Millionen Dollar Militärhilfe zur Verfügung

  1. Hopefully this will directly help keep the men and women defending Ukraine safe. It pains me to know that they are suffering so greatly to defend their country from such terrible evil.

  2. > If confirmed, it would be the largest tranche of military aid the U.S. has sent Ukraine since May earlier this year


  3. Its clear who the good guys and the bad guys are. Imagine being in bed with Iran and North Korea? Wild.

  4. Why are the funds from the new aid bill being released so slowly, relative to the aid granted earlier in the war? I get the importance of saving for the long-term, but it’s been a very small percentage released so far, and sooner helps more than later.

    I’ve heard that one reason could be the military being concerned about shortages, but it seems that we’re actually sending the weapons we have a relative shortage of (HIMARS, anti-tank, artillery rounds) and not the weapons we have a ton of (Abrams, Bradleys, and older armored vehicles, etc).

    I don’t understand why we keep thousands of older Abrams in storage when there’s no way we could get even a small fraction to Taiwan early enough to make a difference, they are considered relatively obsolete to use in current military units, European countries have a severe lack of tanks, and they would likely only be used against Russia in the future anyway. Hell, send them all to Europe, unless the rehabilitation costs are too high. I’m no military expert.

  5. Give them everything they need. Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia. I am a John McCain Republican, and I’ll be voting for anyone other than Trump/Vance in November.

  6. I wonder if this is how people talked about WW2 before we got involved. Like the support and criticism of spending money/resources.

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