Pick a letter!

Posted by Hot_Joke7461

  1. One day we’ll get a Wheel of Fortune meme where the author understands the *extremely basic* rules of the game.

  2. A joke has to respect the context in which it is presented. You can’t be all ‘How many philosophers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, because this joke is set in 300 BC and there are no light bulbs yet’. Likewise, you can’t create a joke, without clarification, within a made-up context in which buying a letter in wheel of fortune reveals only one instance of the letter on the board and expect the joke will work. To defend this would be inviting narrative chaos.

  3. Puzzle: “What is the one thing that Donald Trump has that when he has it, it looks like a whisker, and when he loses it, it’s *by* a whisker?”

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