Not all Germanoids are created equal

If you don't speak German and don't get it, no worries. It's about how [redacted] some of us speak

by Jealous_Newspaper

  1. not only bavarians say Tram, its mire widely used as its better to differentiate s-bahn (normal trainttracks) and straßenbahn

  2. du huere vrdammte chabisglunggetröter hesch ämu gwüsst, dass nid au schnäbispienzler chöi ihre haus zu gummibrägglete haubvrsüchte hirnis mache, gäu?

  3. It’s callee Bim because it goes Bim Bim Bim when it drives. I never heard it go Tram Tram or even Straßenbahn Straßenbahn


    no seriously who cares, as long as they come and go on schedule, wink wink nudge nudge.

  5. When I was in Munich everyone called it Trambahn as if they couldn’t decide if they shall call it Straßenbahn or Tramway

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