Based Bjorn

Based Bjorn

by 8anyone

  1. Yank like a truffle pig snuffling around to find something to be outraged at. 3 hours sounds like a pretty good time in fairness.

  2. Many rockers carry that patch in Spain which I find idiotic because why would you voluntarily wear the flag of the crappiest part of the shittiest country?

  3. Japan and the confederacy both lost the war i really thought you European bros had your own shit going on and yet you’re here trying to rage bait the US……sad really🤒

  4. Bruh, the IJA flag in the background makes me think otherwise. Then again, Icelanders have never been really seen as the most accepting/not racist.

  5. Yanks really need to realize the sun doesn’t shine out of their asshole.

    *And lick the boot of their European superiors!*

  6. Nothing’s based about that, from selling some yank nonsense to selling the flag of a losing side. Doesn’t belong on the sub *at all*.

  7. Just wear a giant Danish flag shirt next time you visit and refer to the locals as Lesser Danes (Greenlanders or Western Faroese might get a reaction as well) or perhaps just get creative and call them America’s Military Airport Pitstop Bitches.

  8. I can’t lie, the confederate battle flag has a really nice design but you’ll never catch me wearing it for obvious reasons.

  9. People selling nazi war memorabilia are a fairly standard sight in boot sales here. Evidently not in yankland.

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