Ukraine is in talks on Gripen and Eurofighter fighters

Ukraine is in talks on Gripen and Eurofighter fighters

by Mil_in_ua

  1. Gripen would probably be better for landing on roads etc, but the eurofighter probably has a bigger potential in terms of production quantity.

  2. Ukraine wants Gripen and Sweden wants to send Gripen.

    The only statement we get is “At the moment, it is not relevant to transfer the JAS Gripen to Ukraine, as it would interfere with the introduction of the F-16″. ” A donation would require cooperation with other countries to introduce a new aircraft in Ukraine”

    I believe Sweden is being blocked with the “1971 export control act” from sending them at this time. But please someone prove me wrong.

  3. Who ever is responsible for Ukraines weapon logistics, needs an award and long vacation after this war.

    It’s just crazy how many different weapon systems Ukraine is handling, and that’s not a criticism, but a genuinely impressed.

    Слава Україні!

  4. If you’re in the weapons selling business, you need to get your products in Ukrainian hands. They are stress testing delivered systems to the max and making them shine. Weapons industry must be cursing Western reluctance and hesitation.

  5. Excellent!

    They need to diversify away from the US limitations, too many strings attached to US military tech.

  6. I hope that if they actually get Eurofighter which I would appreciate immensely, Ukriane would be getting the ECR variant. Afaik, capability for airborne electronic warfare is an area where Ukraines capabilities is still lacking and something which the Eurofighter could actually provide.

  7. Haha, I can actually feel the assholes in moscow trembling at the prospect of this.

    A couple of each would likely mince what those idiots have left.

    Fuck russia.

  8. It’s a matter of training and having the pilots and ground crew available to be trained. Logistics are always harder to achieve than the planes

  9. Not sure but wast eurofighter in the same discussion as f-18s been? If I remember correctly it was about them being to complex in maintaining especially because the birds a bit too diva-like for the strike-land-hide kind of operations?

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