This was precisely 40 years ago. On this day in 1984, French President François Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl met at Douaumont Ossuary in Verdun, silently bearing the echoes of a fractured past.

This was precisely 40 years ago. On this day in 1984, French President François Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl met at Douaumont Ossuary in Verdun, silently bearing the echoes of a fractured past.

by Al-dutaur-balanzan

  1. This was precisely 40 years ago.

    On this day in 1984, French President François Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl met at Douaumont Ossuary in 🇫🇷 Verdun, silently bearing the echoes of a fractured past.

    Hand in hand, they embodied unity.
    Their legacy continues to inspire us and resonate across Europe.

    Today, like yesterday,
    un symbole d’amitié et d’unité —
    ein Symbol für Freundschaft und Einheit.

    Credit: Eu Commission instagram profile

  2. The french-german friendship is one of the main reasons western europe has seen decades of peace and prosperity. Even the EU wouldnt be imaginable without it.

    Rare case of politicians doing the exactly right thing, Im always glad we’re good friends with our western neighbours now.

  3. They beared the echoes so I didn’t need to. I still bear the echoes anyway, thus their mission failed.

  4. Its great to see this. Its nice to see nations that were former adversaries coming together in peace and reconciliation.

  5. I think it’s understated how important this was for later European progress. Like the Franco-German enmity had defined European history since the 1860s. It lead to the death of millions of destruction of European civilization as we knew it. It’s a pity it took so much suffering so reach this point but it’s also a credit to them they were able to do it.

    I can’t imagine seeing my country destroyed and then working with sworn enemies yet it’s happened.

    Closest example today will be Russia and Ukraine

  6. Colour photography went mainstream in the 70s, what happened here is this why the Americans keep fucking calling us Europoors

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