Scam and scandal’: ex-aid chief raises alarm over £4bn Tory asylum contracts. The former top civil servant at the Department for International Development has warned a lack of oversight in spending echoes corrupt contracts awarded during Covid

Scam and scandal’: ex-aid chief raises alarm over £4bn Tory asylum contracts. The former top civil servant at the Department for International Development has warned a lack of oversight in spending echoes corrupt contracts awarded during Covid

Posted by Make_the_music_stop

  1. And Serco, who does have many government contracts to house them in hotels and with private landlords…..

    “Rupert Christopher Soames OBE (born 18 May 1959) is a British businessman and the **former chief executive of Serco from 2014 to 2023. He is a grandson of Winston Churchill**, a nephew of one-time Defence Secretary Duncan Sandys and his wife Diana Churchill, of journalist Randolph Churchill, and of actress and dancer Sarah Churchill.”

  2. If only people cared. To busy being whipped into a storm over some declared clothing and spectacles.

  3. I swear the only growth industry of the last 14 years has been looting the taxpayer by the Tories mates- water, housing, asylum, covid, care homes, children’s homes and on and on

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