More than 700 migrants cross the Channel in one of the highest daily tallies this year

More than 700 migrants cross the Channel in one of the highest daily tallies this year

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. We essentially have an open border policy now for anyone in the world that wants to come and get free accommodation and healthcare (among other benefits) for the rest of their lives if they can get here and utter the magic words of “I can’t go back home as my life is in danger” (don’t worry about having to learn it in English, can be in whatever language you want it to be, we will pay for a translator).

    The whole Asylum system is broken and not fit for purpose, any sane government would have actually done something years ago, it blows my mind this isn’t fixed as a priority.

  2. Our infrastructure can’t handle this.

    – NHS is clogged up.
    – Prisons are full.
    – Education system is crumbling.
    – Housing unavailable.
    – Social care system crippled.
    – Public transport maxed out.
    – Homelessness on the up.

    Yet the country has allowed nearly an extra 25,000 economically inactive people this year alone.

    Are those 25,000 to blame for our countries problems? Not in the slightest.

    But their arrival, along with the 100,000s in recent years, is having a significant impact on both the countries ability to fix our own problems, as well as the morale of the hardworking law-abiding public majority who are struggling.

  3. Do we build more than 700 social housing, daily, just to accommodate boat migrants?

    Because this is how it works…

  4. Don’t any of you dare speak down on the 700 aspiring doctors coming off the boats into the country every day. You’ll be arrested and sent to prison for racism

  5. I’d rather a centrist government significantly restrict this form of migration than voters feeling they have to elect a far-right one to do it.

  6. Idk why everyone here is expecting them to have solved illegal immigration 2 months the blame still lands on the tories (until the new government has had time to tackle it, then that is the time for valid criticism)

  7. ‘In every situation, tragic or otherwise, someone always benefits’. It seems as though some powerful people are benefiting from this broken asylum system and their influence is so great the government can’t do anything about it.

    Everyone knows this isn’t sustainable, why then does it keep happening???

  8. Afghanistan, Syria and Iran are safe countries. We may not like the government of these countries but they are stable. Germany are deporting people to Afghanistan, why can’t we?

  9. What is the point of countries having borders if they are not barriers to those we decide are not welcome. Now its the migrants choice whether they enter UK, why am I required to show my passport coming back into UK?

  10. Well, I’m sure this won’t dominate the headlines like it always does and give the far right more ammo.

    But honestly how hard is it to come up with a fucking solution? Country is falling apart, latest government isn’t filling many with much hope and we’re getting weekly headlines like this.

    At this rate someone will suggest unleashing sharks with laser beams on their heads in the channel and majority will actually agree.

  11. Huge numbers of comments deleted from this thread recently. I was composing a response to a comment thread which was something like:

    * “What annoys me is the effect on young people, it’s clear houses would be a third less without the big increase in migration” (this one still seems to be there)

    * The foreign born population is only 16%

    * Wth 16% is huge

    By the time I wrote a response the comment chain has been removed. I could see no reasonable cause for this. There seems to be a policy that if one comment buried deep down in a sub chain violates policy the entire thread including parent comments, and sibling comments, are removed.

  12. If Labour doesn’t get this under control fast, the next government is going to be the furthest right in UK history.

  13. Hey, this is what Brexiteers wanted after all. I’m sure they’re happy with it and the gov refusing to just set up a processing center in Calais.

  14. How’s smashing thr gangs going? Almost like it’s demand and supply thats the cause here….

    Fact is we will see a change in asylum and human rights law sooner or later. Half the world is entitled to asylum and its just not sustainable.

  15. Maybe if we actually stopped giving them “asylum” that would act as a deterrent to them coming here in the first place.

  16. I saw an interview with one of the migrants the other day, he was a middle aged bloke about 40, balding, beard etc.

    He was given a house share to live in on the coast, all his benefits, and the best part was he was going to college because he claimed to be a child when he arrived haha! Seemed a nice enough dude but what cracked me up was he said he was a bit unhappy that his house wasn’t in London or Manchester.

    Then you see your peers who have done everything right and worked hard all their lives, could never afford a place down south, having to go the food bank to survive, no support at all to retrain at a college. Really makes you wonder.

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