French MILAN “Lightweight Infantry Anti-tank Missile” being operated by soldiers of the 33rd Mechanized Brigade against Russian mechanized assault. Published on September 22, 2024. Location not mentioned

French MILAN “Lightweight Infantry Anti-tank Missile” being operated by soldiers of the 33rd Mechanized Brigade against Russian mechanized assault. Published on September 22, 2024. Location not mentioned

by Hotrico

  1. Did they hit two or three vehicles? Looked the vehicles were nice and lined up making it easy for them

  2. The MILAN might not be a state of the art ATGM in European use like MELLS, Javelin, Akeron MP but it played a massive role in defeating ISIS in Syria. The Kurds worshipped this missile for its accuracy and lethality.

  3. Probably the best Milan video I have ever seen. They look like they are in a good position to hit a lot of vehicles. Has to be encouraging to the defense to see it working.

  4. MILAN is a good piece of kit, but needs to have the sight reticle kept on the target vehicle, or fixture for the entire time of flight (12ish seconds) it’s called SACLOS (stop reading here. i’m waffling πŸ˜‚)

    i was in my battalion’s anti-tank pl. for a couple of years. we switched to MILAN in ’83.

    it’s good. a mega-improvement over the Wombat & Conbat guns we had before

    MILAN isn’t heavy, but it’s very awkward to carry. but it makes up for that by being good against all types of targets: tanks, armoured vehicles, bunkers, etc. there’s not much it can’t do. it’s got a tandem warhead as well

  5. Awesome and seems MUCH MORE cost effective as the missile is jus loaded into the chamber instead of a throw-a-way weapon.

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