The floor heating in my house does not work

Hi everyone, we own a Viessmann floor heating device and it does not work properly I think.

Can someone please help me with the ideal setting? I do not want to make my floor burning hot, only at a pleasant temperature.

by Southern_Farmer_5074

  1. How warm is it outside? Here it’s 24 degrees, my heating also doesn’t work because it’s not needed.

  2. Floor heating should be set at a much lower temperature than radiator heating. Typically, 38ºC maximum flow temperature, achieved with a curve slope between 0.2 and 0.8, according to my Viessman boiler’s manual. That’s not the temperature you see in the display or the one you set with the third dial, that’s the hot water temperature for the taps.

    Your slope is set to 1.4, which might be a bit off now, but it will probably be way too hot when it gets colder.

    If you have mixed floor heating with radiators and there’s only one circuit, you’re in for a world of pain though.

  3. I don’t have floor heating, but have a very similar controller for the heating. I am always confused and unsure of what I am doing.

  4. Side comment, but does anyone know who to contact when your floor heating doesn’t work at all? I have two bathrooms with floor heating, one works and one doesn’t. I own the apartment (unfortunately didn’t catch this in inspection) so I can’t just ask management, I need to call someone in myself. Is it an electrician? Certainly not a plumber?

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