Al Jazeera obtains video of Israeli drone killing in Gaza

Al Jazeera obtains video of Israeli drone killing in Gaza

Posted by THE–GRINCH

  1. IDF are absolutely a terrorist organisation. They, and all who serve and lead need brought to justice, the same way the nazis were brought to justice.

  2. Honestly this doesn’t surprise me anymore. There is a reason that Israel wants to get rid of Al Jazeera beyond the notion that it’s “propaganda.” They don’t want them to get any incriminate footage of the things they’ve been doing.

    I reckon there is a lot more unsavoury stuff happening as does with most wars, but we live in the social media age. So things spread very quickly.

  3. Speaking objectively, from that recording alone you can’t tell a shit. It only shows a grenade being dropped on him, but there’s no indication which side actually drops it or where it happens. This could be literally taken from any place on the planet.

    Also, it’s Al Jazeera, they heavily favour Palestine in their media so anything that can be used against Israel will be used.

    And I expect a brigade of western hamasniks to reward me with various bullshit.

  4. Guess we got a good Idea on why Israel raided their Ramallah building a bit earlier.

    To reach the 150 threshold, I’d like to remind everyone that other countries like Saudi Arabia have already banned Al Jazeera, so Israel banning it last year or so just serves to reinforce my point that the country is doing a “MENA country speed run”.

  5. It is now pretty obvious that the israelis soldiers are more interested in killing as many palestinians as possible than anything else, and this video is another proof of their barbarism. What is the purpose of lauching a grenade towards a wounded unarmed palestinian ? They relish to see arabs suffer under their rule. They film their own crimes and brags about them. They do not even try to hide that they are completely depraved ! Every day we hit a new low.

    The IDF is the most criminal army in the world.


  6. Why isn’t anyone bitching when the Ukrainian’s do the exact same thing? You can pop over r/combat footage and see tons of examples, but y’all quite then. Just really interesting.

  7. Out of all the things to criticize Israel for, this is what you are complaining about?

    This was straight up an accident, they didn’t kill this guy on purpose, actually they were trying to help him, if you pause the video and look closely, you can see that what the drone dropped was a walkie talkie so that this poor guy could call for some help, they simply screwed up and forgot that they had planted a bomb in that walkie talkie

  8. Wow, al Jazeera got a video of a normal and legal thing that happens in war now? Let’s see how the antisemites overreact. Oh, there they go

    Sub never changes

  9. Not really enough context to make much of a judgment on this. If he’s an enemy combatant (like an actual combatant, not just a Palestinian), then that’s just war. Hamas’ militants do not adhere to international humanitarian law themselves so they are not afforded most of the protections that typical combatants get.

    If he’s a civilian that was wounded in an attack, which is just as likely considering how the IDF operates, then its just another war crime on the list.

  10. How did Al Jazeera even obtain this footage? It has to be a whistleblower right as I’m fairly certain that they don’t have the facilities to hack but they don’t even claim a whistleblower supplied it even though it’s the only possible conclusion?

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