Boeing union members are angry they lost their pension plan. They’re not likely to get it back

Boeing union members are angry they lost their pension plan. They’re not likely to get it back

by GeneReddit123

  1. This is also a reason why pensions are shitty, you don’t actually own anything. The company has all the power. A 401k is yours and yours alone (assuming you met beating requirements for your employer portion)

  2. Why are they upset about this? 401Ks are objectively better. It’s all yours from the get-go, you’re not locked into the company for decades trying to get a benefit that you already earned. When you leave, you can roll it over into an IRA. You don’t have to worry about grift or mismanagement bankrupting your retirement because you’re managing it yourself. etc. etc. etc….

  3. Not immediately, but the Dems are going all in on Unions, so if you keep bringing them wins they’ll keep bringing you bargaining power and you’ll get it back.

  4. Boeing is not going anywhere as the only airplane manufacturer in the US it is a critical fixture in the defense industrial base with a highly technical workforce. The employees are getting screwed so they have a right to strike.

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