‘I’ve seen it, it’s obvious’: Arteta seethes at referee’s treatment of Arsenal

‘I’ve seen it, it’s obvious’: Arteta seethes at referee’s treatment of Arsenal

by ComfortableOven5225

  1. Poor cry baby. Both arse goals were lucky the ref was in their favour. The keeper gets blocked out by 2 arse players then walker gets out of position by the ref allowing space.

  2. Last year when Liverpool got screwed in the tottenham game and Klopp was raising the issues with the refs, Arteta was singing a different tune.

    “They are trying to make the best decisions. We need to understand that mistakes happen.”

    Last year after the tottenham game was a perfect time for teams to come together and demand higher standards for refs. I don’t want to hear Arteta bitching now

    Edit: Looks like I might have been wrong. I remembered the quote I posted, but I’d never seen the quotes others are posting. I wasnt trying to lie or spin any narratives

  3. Just going to ignore the blatant fouling he gets away with at corners? The free kick taken from 10 yards away from where it should have been?

    VAR not helping Oliver with the Havertz body check?

    The whining from Arsenal and Arteta is tedious

  4. It might have been harsh, but at the end of the day, after the last incident, you’d be a bit more careful booting a ball away after the whistle for the foul.

    Strangely I’m gutted, but I totally would have taken the draw before the match, and snapped it out of your hand after Halaand scored the first goal!

  5. Rat poison. The fact that nobody is acknowledging the simultaneity of the clearance and the whistle is crazy.

  6. Michael Oliver looking forward to city’s owner flying him out to referee an off-season friendly for 20k later next year.

  7. There’s a difference in mentality. Arteta has a victim mentality, while Pep has learning mentality. (Noticed over 2 years, not just this game)

    Arteta blames the ref, when Tossard does 2 yellow offences within few seconds (stupid tackle on Bernardo and kicking the ball away after stoppage to prevent quick free kick) forcing ref to issue him card.

    While Pep says that both goals scored by Arsenal could’ve been prevented if Mancity was better, and it is something to be learnt. While in reality both were very controversial goals.

    Infact ref wasn’t issuing any cards when Arsenal was bodying whole City squad, especially targetting Rodri. Eventually playing a hand in Rodri’s injury.

    It is highly possible that City could’ve won, if Arsenal didn’t get that red card, because low block prevented anu further game thereafter.

    Till the time Arteta dosent change his victim mentality, he would always be hindering himself.

  8. Crying over nothing yet again. Ref weren’t perfect but never are, red card was a red. And he weren’t exactly great to city either with the second goal, started play before walker got back. Arteta would have a fit if that happened against them. South London bottlejobs, ain’t got the winning mentality. 🤣

  9. Arsenal have to be the most butthurt, narcissistic club in the world. They think they’re the only ones who suffer from bad to questionable refereeing. Anything remotely negative that happens to them must be due to some vast conspiracy.

    Remember how their fans tried to convince the world that Newcastle had bought all the refs? Lmao.

  10. Given the first goal, Arteta should really stfu. Calling a captain over, then blowing the whistle before he can get back in position is egregious and cost us that first goal. Refereeing was shit all around

  11. Don’t ever really contribute to prem threads because most people are meatheads and it’s only ever one team defending themselves against everyone else whoever said team is, but it’s very interesting that not many people put their team flairs up. In every other sports thread you see loads of people repping their team and it helps during comments to not just dig the toxic hole.

  12. The red card was for delaying the game when he kicked the ball 30 yards. Thats what the NBC commentators explained to the US audience.

  13. People dont want admit it bc they hate Arsenal. But they has been receiving bad referee decisions for three years

  14. You could make a reasonable argument for one or both of Arsenal’s goals to be disallowed, so I’m not really sure what this joker is crying about. Be grateful for the decisions you did get and stop telling your players to boot the ball away when they’re on a yellow card.

    I really hope the title race isn’t just a battle between who can play the victim harder between Pep and Arteta

  15. Stopping the frame when I first hear the whistle (so, factoring in my reaction time, around 0.3-0.4 seconds after it sounds) Trossard is not mid-kick. He takes two more full steps running towards the ball and THEN kicks it.

    Trossard likely reacts slowly to the referee’s whistle because of the loud crowd whistles immediately before it, so his brain is telling them to ignore the sound and keep playing. He realises too late that the ‘real’ whistle has sounded – but clearly has realised as soon as he kicks the ball, because he wheels round at the referee straight away.

  16. Not sure who needs to hear this but I’ve seen it spouted so often ill just quickly post here

    The reason the Arsenal free kick prior to the goal was iLlEgAlLy 10 yards ahead of where the foul was, was because Bernardo Silva dribbled it there after completing the foul. So he of course was carded for dela…oh no wait he wasn’t. The ref of course then told Arsenal to take the ball ba…oh no wait he didn’t.

    The reason Kyle Walker was caught on the free kick wasn’t because he was out if position because of the ref. It was because he wasn’t paying attention, too busy waffling instead of focusing on the game. He was in position. It also had very little impact on the goal anyway

  17. The whole referees are rigging games against Arsenal nonsense is a narrative perpetuated by Arteta so that he doesn’t have to take the blame for his players constant poor discipline and judgement when playing on yellow cards or his role in keeping them on the field.

  18. The yellow was the right decision in the context of the rules – he literally boots the ball after the whistle and he was in a position to easily stop himself. There was nothing wrong with what Doku did, ref points for the FK to be taken further down and it looks like doku kicks it down because of this. It’s still a shitty situation that has ruined what was otherwise a great game. Considering how inconsistent refs are, I do believe that the best course is to book for all infractions no matter how small.

  19. Man city moaning about dark arts is peak irony. Pep is the master of dark arts. Man City do it all the time. Pep’s Bayern are known cheaters and Busquests can take a swan dive as good as any. If you can’t take it.. don’t give it
    Where do you think Arteta learnt it from besides his master? 😆

  20. Are people cool with these red cards? Even if you hate Arsenal they’re just petty and ruining fun games. Like most sports these days there’s way too much officiating, the funs getting sucked out

  21. Maybe we should look into how the refs always allow Arsenal players to stop goalkeepers from running to the ball all the time. It’s a foul, and the refs won’t call it. Everyone acts like Arsenal are amazing at corners when it’s just them fouling the keeper every time.

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