Barnier government confirms Macron’s shift to the right • The team put together by the new prime minister combines Macron loyalists with a dozen elected representatives from the most conservative right. It’s a far cry from the social-democratic roots of Emmanuel Macron’s early supporters.

Barnier government confirms Macron’s shift to the right • The team put together by the new prime minister combines Macron loyalists with a dozen elected representatives from the most conservative right. It’s a far cry from the social-democratic roots of Emmanuel Macron’s early supporters.

Posted by Naurgul

  1. See also:

    * [Macron appoints new government in shift to right after weeks of uncertainty • The French presidential palace unveiled a long-awaited new government Saturday dominated by conservatives and centrists. It came more than two months after elections that produced a hung parliament and deepened political divisions as France grapples with growing financial and diplomatic challenges.]( (France 24)
    * [France’s new government under pressure as opponents threaten no-confidence vote • Critics of new cabinet, finalised by Michel Barnier on Saturday night, said it was ‘same-old, same-old’]( (The Guardian)

  2. Everyone in Power would rather work with Nazis then be progressive and focus on the people, climate, and the earth. These people are monsters and don’t deserve any respect.

  3. Considering how much the french people tend to protest for a lot of things and actively fight for their rights, I’m surprised there’s no outrage after this immense bullshit by Macron. The french people made an effort in the last election, and a lot of that effort went into the leftist coalition, that was crucial to stop the french neonazis… to just see how Macron now laughs at that, ignores that coalition and gives more power to the right and even symphathizes with said neonazis?

    Like… wtf? I’d expect some important protests going on after that huge “fuck you” from Macron, especially since he already is not exactly a loved guy in the country.

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