Russians got triggered that Lithuanians hung the Ukrainian flag opposite Sovetsk, Russia. In response they put up a Z, Wagner and Airborne division flags.

Russians got triggered that Lithuanians hung the Ukrainian flag opposite Sovetsk, Russia. In response they put up a Z, Wagner and Airborne division flags.

by BigDeckBob

  1. the subtitles are not accurate. It sounds like at the end the guy says “so the bitches would fear”

  2. All they have to put in front of the flag of a recognized sovereign state is the flag of terrorists groups. And they still don’t see how they worship the Z the same way real nazis worshipped the svatiska.

    It’s really the meme “are we the baddies?”, but few really ask the question.

  3. Both the Z-symbols and the Wagner flags are unimpressive and represent mindless death rather than real warfare. Embarrassing.

  4. These fuckers raise nazi, soviet and a sore PMC group’s flag inspired by a german composer that Hitler supposedly admired, and got their asses wiped off the Earth, and somehow they are fighting for a good cause? They got nothing good to look up to, no good past, no good present. No good thing to inherit to the world. And still not once they think they might be in the wrong. Their time cannot come soon enough

  5. I still have my original Lithuanian Grateful Dead basketball tie dye shirt from their bronze metal team, so yeah, fuck Russia

  6. Do they ever wonder why almost every Warsaw Pact member or former Soviet nation in Europe switched sides?

  7. Across the river – Large, proud flags flying high in the wind. Russian response, slap some stick-on blocks on a building and hoisting pitiful raggamuffin make believe bad boy flags.

    These dudes are done.

  8. Wagner, a nazis organization, tried to overthrow the government then got disbanded…. I’m sure they are real proud

  9. Seems petty and therefore on brand. Imagine turning an illegal invasion symbol into a national rallying cry. It represents death and illegality.

  10. Well somebody promotes freedom and somebody agression,rape and murder. People are different I guess.

  11. They forgot to put these symbols ABOVE the other side. But when you’re only the second strongest army in Ukraine for over two years straight, I guess you forget to try be on top yourself.

  12. That color pattern on that fucking z, is it about how they got betrayed by fellow nazies and got themselves thoroughly fucked in the process, proving they even suck at nazi’ing?

  13. In the end of the video he says “чтоб боялись суки” which means they put VDV and Wagner flags so they (Lithuanians) would be scared.

  14. How can anyone, Russian or Ukrainian, wave a flag with skull and bones on it and claim to be the good guy.

    It’s big “are we the baddies?” Energy

  15. They got so triggered like bitches they hung not their symbol but their symbol of brutality and inhumanity. That is how Ruzzia should never be considered as a human but a human pests.

  16. How many Wagner guys are still around? Most of them are fertilizer in Bakhmut. The VDV got splattered all over the Hostomel airport tarmac last I heard. Russians don’t have anything scary or heroic, just an endless stream of drunken Ivans willing to crawl over the dead bodies of their own countrymen apathetically. They should all be praying for a speedy coup and full withdrawal before they find themselves on the zero line with a rusty Kalash and a half mag of N. Korean ammo.

  17. Hang up the VDV flag all you want, they got absolutely fucked and decimated and stand as a testament to Russian paper tiger. They took the equivalent of body builders to make the VDV look tough, only to get trashed on.

  18. Ruzzia is so braindead. Wagner have tried to take over moscow, and they still have thier flags flying. Wgat is wrong with this country?

  19. If Russia is as powerful as their media states, why don’t they walk across that bridge and take those flags down?

    Just kidding. We all know Sun TzPutin and Russia are scared to death of a United Nato and know they are cooked if there is ever a direct confrontation. Look what Ukraine has accomplished with an unbreakable heart and handcuffed to 90s NATO technology. A bit longer than a 3 day war eh?

    Ps. How are those nuclear icbm tests going?

  20. This is literally middle school behavior.

    Is that why being Principal Putin’s b*tch*s is so easy for them?

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