Hezbollah missile launchers being struck by Israel in Lebanon

Hezbollah missile launchers being struck by Israel in Lebanon

by DavidGman

  1. The rules were out the window in this war a long time ago. Yes, in a war if one side doesn’t play by the rules you need to fight fire with fire. Lebanon has signed it death warrant they should revolt now before they hit the bottom of the bottom. Your 17 year old protesters with frappelattes, man buns and moustaches will not help you they are a hindrance and just garner support for Israel. Today I will ve writing to my member for parliament and requesting further support for Israel in the long run, will you be doing the same.

  2. For people who don’t know. The missiles are hidden within residential building and have a special hatch at one of the wall to extend the missiles out and launch them. Since this morning IDF has issued a warning to all residents in south Lebanon to leave their homes if they are housing missiles.

    Edit: footage explaining how they operate https://youtu.be/a6KUAB4kSCI?feature=shared

  3. How did they know we set it up there? Meanwhile all the communication devices they use were rigged by Israel.

  4. Man this ground war is going to be a *banger*, folks.  The IDF has learned a lot of lessons in 20 years so they won’t fully dogmeat their soldiers this time, but it will be a tough slog.  Hez probably learned as well.  Lebanon south of the Litani is 5-6x times larger than Gaza.  Israel will also prison have to go into southern Beirut to clear it out.  Iran will be funnelling in weapons from Syria.  Iran may have the West Bank pop off too. I would not want to be a soldier within 500 miles of there.  The MIddle East sadly… just never disappoints.

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