Japanischer Zerstörer ist versehentlich in chinesische Gewässer eingedrungen, Kapitän entlassen – The Mainichi

Japanischer Zerstörer ist versehentlich in chinesische Gewässer eingedrungen, Kapitän entlassen – The Mainichi


  1. Firing them was so stupid. Could you bend more of a knee to someone who literally did it first and worse to others? What a dumb fuckin decision

  2. Was it really “inadvertent” when he was given multiple warnings that he was sailing into Chinese territorial waters?

  3. It went in 12 miles accidentally, and it sparked a protest in Beijing. Why? It’s not like they were doing anything severely threatening

  4. Redditors drawing an equivalence between an actual act of Japan entering non-disputed territorial water of China, vs a hypothetical act of China entering Japan non-disputed water.

    Shameful. All the alternate facts on display.

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