The ‘J’ is for Jenius.

Posted by mercutio531

  1. How the fuckwit isn’t in jail already is beyond ridiculous. Merrick Garland has to be one of the most useless individuals on the planet.

  2. That is fucking HILARIOUS to see in retrospect.

    How stupid does someone have to be to support this clown?

  3. I work the polls in the Pennsylvania. Each party can have a certified watcher from beginning to end. We usually get some that come in and out through the day. They also come and watch while we take the ballots out of the scanner and count them. We have to see that the number of ballots matches the number scanned.

  4. laugh all you want but this is how land claims worked in the 17th century

    “I hereby decree that this land here on the undrawn region of this map is in fact mine, and the other kingdoms are welcome to suck my gigantic royal cock”

  5. I get he has the intellectual laziness of a comatose patient but if anyone else were to wake up as POTUS they would take a few hours to learn how our elections work, the Constitution, and maybe what a mental competency test is….Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV

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