Ah… shit.

Ah… shit.

by HarEmiya

  1. Looks like we’ll have to borrow a cup of water from the neighbour.

    Gijs, go easy on the Tikkies yeah?

  2. I have a feeling that the UK’s “low to medium” is mildly optimistic. It very much depends on investment in infrastructure, which depends on government, which British (English, but we get the final say) people are terrible at selecting.

  3. If it showed Scotland and England separately, England would probably be yellow and Scotland would be dark blue. We practically have a monsoon season.

    Having 90% of the fresh water in the UK is a crazy considering England has like 90% of the population.

  4. finally… The oil barons next door wont be the only nordicks to have a monopoly on valuable liquids.


  5. Belgium wtf? Anyone can explain? How can the water stress be that bad with that much water and rain?

  6. And we are closing nuclear plants.. is not like we need massive use of energy in the future to get water..

  7. Ah lads no Guinness shortage but we will be paying €35 on a pint in Temple Bar and instalments will be available

  8. We in the nordics are really gonna turn into Immortan Joe when the rest of the continent dries out.

    “Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.”

    – Queen Victoria of Sweden on the yearly water relase festival 2058 A.D.

  9. If AMOC collapses / significantly declines (which looks likely), north western Europe is pretty much fucked in regards to water. Winters will be much colder while summers will be hotter and much drier

  10. I assume the water stress is mostly because of our love of putting concrete everywhere and pumping all the underground water wells to farm some shitty cheap meat or sugar beets even though as country we’re located in an incredibly rainy and wet area even in the recent years but we consume so much of that water with very unsustainable practices.

  11. Let’s build some pipe from the swamp to Spain, problem solved.

    That way Jans will be the highest water donors per capita.

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