Sir Keir Starmer warned Labour victory ‘uniquely fragile’ – amid freebie row

Sir Keir Starmer warned Labour victory ‘uniquely fragile’ – amid freebie row

by JimJonesdrinkkoolaid

  1. All they have to do is pay for their own stuff, it’s not hard. Want some more clothes? Buy them. Want some new glasses? Buy those as well. Want to watch a football match from a fancy box? Pay for the box.

    They’re all on 100k+, they can easily afford it.

  2. I think the fragility is unique as far as its the first shallow landslide, however I expect this to become the norm given our politics is fracturing out of the 2 party system.

    PR is an inevitably in my opinion as more fringe parties emerge on both the left and right.

  3. Why are people surprised by kier starmer lying thro his back teeth. People forget he was in charge of the cps when HE REFUSED to charge Jimmy Saville? Ofc he’s gna lie to get into downing Street he’s been groomer by the WHO etc from a young age. He isn’t labour at all he’s a tory in a red tie.!! He doesn’t care who lives or dies on his watch non of them do… Do u think France would allow their political establishment to lie to its ppl like we get lied to everyday, hell no they’d have a revolution. The UK needs one tbh

  4. Victory? They got 64% of the vote share from 34% of the vote share. It is the weakest “mandate” of any recent government.

  5. The next few by elections will see the Greens and Reform do very well.

    The days of the Tory-Labour tennis match are numbered

  6. Here’s the thing – if you campaign on being “not like the previous guys” you need to actually not be like them.

    It doesn’t matter if your corruption/bribes/freebies are some football box seats or a central NY flat for a peppercorn rate, it still stinks of bribery and just like the other guys.

    It doesn’t matter that the other guys were stealing millions, hands over fist, and you are just getting bought £10k worth of suits.

    The perception that you **also** take bribes is still there (because, be real, you are) – and that getting sleaze out of government was one of your campaign aims, you’ve **already** failed in the eyes of the political neutral.

  7. I mean, this is what people tried to badger me into voting for. They are ‘Slightly better than the tories’ and, yes, they seem to be properly declaring their backhanders so that low bar has been cleared. 

  8. This is not said enough. But at the last election people voted against the Conservatives and not for Labour. Not only that, but Labour’s total votes and percentage of the vote share was in fact LOWER than they got in 2019. Their worst election result in a generation.

    People are likely to get tired of them very quickly. This is nothing like 1997 where there was genuine enthusiasm for Labour after the Tories messed up everything for 18 years.

    I can see this being a one term government unless they start getting their act together.

  9. Fuck the victory, Keir.

    The consequences of the confidence of the public in the political process, falling below the basement level it has attained over the last 14 years, will be catastrophic, and that must NOT happen. We’ve already seen what happens when a vanishingly small minority are fooled into abandoning the political process and going straight to feral thuggery.

    I don’t want to see what would happen if the rest of society were given a GENUINE reason to collectively burn down the house, largely for two reasons. First, it’d be uglier than Anne Widecombe’s soul, and second, it’d be impossible to come back from. Mad Max does the UK.

    Can’t have that. Labour need to be the government, but they need to be a government that opposes the status quo, not continues it.

  10. It’d be less fragile if they took a few seconds to think about the optics of being holier than thou in opposition then hoovering up every gift going once the opportunity arises.

    Well, that and if they also reflected on their victory not being quite so much that people love them and more that they grew to absolutely hate the tories.

    It’s early days, sure, but these seem like pretty obvious pitfalls to avoid.

  11. Not really fragile, Conservatives acted so much worse and took WAY more in freebies. However, on their wages, and the benefits they get, it’s not hard to just pay for your own stuff.

  12. I think we all knew Starmer would show his true colours sooner rather than later but good lord, *this soon*?

  13. Everyone else in the UK is under more scrutiny for gifts and presents than the people that run the country, how does that make sense? Can’t give the disability benefits assessor an arsenal VIP box can I?


    Gifts and presents don’t influence people at all, so everyone should be able to take whatever they want


    Everyone else is an imperssionable fool, MP’s are UNIQUELY capable of resisting the influence that gifts etc have on people

    It’s one or the other.

    Ban gifts and presents above whatever the civil service limit is. Being a politician is about civil service, it should pay well enough that you can sustain yourself and live comfortably in london but it shouldn’t be a ticket to the life of luxury through “presents”. If you have less people becoming MPs because they can’t be as self serving, good.

  14. If everybody knew what a proper prick he was, they wouldn’t have got in. It’s just that nobody wanted Conservatives in

  15. this article genuinely doesn’t say anything at all. have any of you actually read it before getting mad?

  16. How hard was it to just not accept freebies. Was an open goal to stand up and say they are different to the Tories…

    If Starmer wanted a Gucci baseball cap he could have just bought it himself

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