Russian morale is collapsing – now is the time to help Ukraine put the boot in

Russian morale is collapsing – now is the time to help Ukraine put the boot in

by HydrolicKrane

  1. Send more weapons
    They are fighting for democracy for the people of the world they need more help. The politicians need to show more courage

  2. It’s been collapsing for two and a half years now. Yes their moral is low, but to the Russian soldier, dying from Ukrainian drones/artillery is still prefereable to dying in a pit at the hands of Akhmat. At least this way, their family will receive a bag of potatoes.

  3. ukraine needs to free occupied territories, plus advancing further into / striking further depots in russia. both together could shift psychologic momentum.

  4. The morale is collapsing and so is the economy. The ammunition is getting blown up by Ukraine. The future is not looking good for Putin who looks weak.

  5. Come back in November. Nothing will change either way until. 

    Then it will get a lot better or a lot worse. 

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