

by Crispy__Chicken

  1. Hungary: You have no cows. The EU gives you 4. You arrest all of them for collaborating with Soros.

  2. If Italy asks for them, we’ll just invite them, make food together, get drunk and enjoy life. Spaniards are also invited but they will probably arrive late.

  3. Netherlands should had been:

    “You Have 2 Cows, but it’s more than everyone else because you have more Per Capita”.

  4. Corsica :

    you have 5 cows officially, 2 in reality

    Oh no three have disappeared in nature (wink wink)

    Better ask the EU some aid to buy three more cows!

  5. Everybody calling Portugal a thief but no one asking how Sweden got his replaced by goats….*swifty eyes*

  6. Lithuania:
    You have three cows. You always had two cows. Don’t ask about the broken GPS tracker.

    You have twenty cows bought with oil money. You decide to let them wander freely in the countryside, so you install GPS trackers on them.

    You have five cows. These are “borrowed” from Lithuania for half a pack of used cigarettes.

  7. Straight facts, but we want our southern neighbors to collaborate in the effort too. For this reason, we’re accepting humans instead of cows too.

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