Removal of 20mph Repeater Signs – Monmouthshire

Removal of 20mph Repeater Signs – Monmouthshire

by SnooOpinions8790

  1. I’m going to be honest – that’s a stupid piece of legislation

    A fair number of places in Monmouthshire have street lights posts overgrown for much of the year, you are not always going to know how spaced out they are because they are not all that visible while driving. Requiring the council to take down useful and helpful repeater signs is just dumb legislation IMO

  2. I live in an area that has always been 20mph. When the 20mph thing came in, they spray painted over them and about a month ago there was a team going around removing them. Absolute joke.

  3. Yeah, that makes sense.

    It’s rare to see 30mph repeaters because it was the default restricted limit and so they weren’t necessary. Now that 20mph is the default restricted limit, 20mph repeaters aren’t necessary in most places.

  4. I understand they are trying to follow the rules. But I feel there should be some sort of guidance in place where if not following a rule is as safe or safer, and cheaper then that should take precedence.

    In this instance not taking them down is going to save money and wont have any impact on safety.

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