Poland reports Russian disinformation campaign amid major floods

Poland reports Russian disinformation campaign amid major floods


by Wagamaga

  1. Russia is carrying out an information and psychological operation in Poland, exploiting the flood in the country’s southwest to stir fear and helplessness among the population.

    Source: European Pravda, citing Poland Cyber Security Department on Twitter (X)

    Details: The Poland Cyber Security Department reported that the floods in the southwest of the country have triggered an information and psychological operation by Russia, aimed at provoking “emotions of fear and helplessness” among the population.

  2. Filthy russians with their cowardice, if you actually cared to help you would send humanitarian aid but it´s an evil state so that will never happen. The polish people know that Russia is an uncontrollable barbarian state with nukes

  3. Nothing will happen until EU grows some balls and starts punishing the US social media oligarchs that have no interest in tackling the issue.

    They don’t even care when it fucks their own country, so why should they care in any way how it affects elsewhere

  4. No suprise there. Bet most of the disinformation campaign from Russia are all from the right wing political parties.

  5. They need to track down the locations of these Russian troll farms and then give the coordinates to our friends in Ukraine. They’re causing chaos across the entire world and must be stopped.

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