Video appears to show pager explosion at Lebanon supermarket. #Hezbollah #Israel #BBCNews

  1. Mashaallah
    Illitrate community of muhammad fake aggresion
    Fake Muslims only dialogue community no education only a fake God Allah they thing they will get help by fake Allah
    I enjoy the moment๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. You've been lied to.
    The most likely cause of the exploding pagers, radios, and solar panels, in that order, fits the exact profile of directed energy weapons (yes, they exist, and yes, the US has them). This would be the first time they've been used so publicly, and they fit exactly ๐Ÿ’ฏ the profile, which I will explain. I also will explain the improbability of a coordinated factory-based explosive iperation, and why this actually makes no logistical or tactical sense, though the Israelis will try their best to convince you of it:

    Many people may believe that the explosions were caused by devices rigged with explosives, but this explanation becomes extremely improbable when we consider the logistical and operational challenges involved. The idea that thousands or tens of thousands of electronic devicesโ€”pagers, radios, and solar panelsโ€”were tampered with and distributed across an entire country raises several key issues:

    1. Diverse Supply Chains and Factories: These devices come from different factories and are manufactured by different companies with different quality control systems. The idea that all these devices were infiltrated by a covert team without any civilian factory workers noticing is highly unlikely. Factories have internal processes, safety checks, and quality control that would detect foreign objects or tampering, especially on such a massive scale.

    2. Technical Expertise Required: Modifying a wide range of devicesโ€”each with different designs and componentsโ€”to hide explosives would require immense expertise, precise coordination, and the ability to defeat the checks and balances in place during production. Itโ€™s highly improbable that thousands of devices could be altered in this way without someone noticing or reporting the tampering.

    3. Silencing Factory Workers: Civilians working in these factories would have noticed such an operation. The idea that none of the factory workers leaked this information or raised alarms seems far-fetched. Large-scale cooperation would have been required across multiple factories, including military-level secrecyโ€”something incredibly difficult to maintain over such a large network of civilian companies.

    4. QR Codes and Other Traceability Systems: Most modern electronic devices are built with traceability systems like QR codes, serial numbers, and other quality control measures that track every component and step of production. These systems are specifically designed to prevent tampering, which further makes the idea of mass-rigging without detection even more improbable.

    So while itโ€™s technically possible for a covert operation to rig devices with explosives, doing this on a massive scale across multiple civilian and commercial factories is highly unlikely. It would require military-level cooperation, and even then, the complexity and risks of being detected are enormous.

    The Directed Energy Weapon Hypothesis:

    On the other hand, there is another explanation that fits the profile of what happened, and that involves high-energy weapons such as High-Power Microwave (HPM) attacks, Electromagnetic Pulses (EMP), or directed energy weapons (DEW). These technologies are known to exist, and there are even patents filed by the U.S. Department of Defense for such weapons. These technologies can target electronic devices, and hereโ€™s how they align with the series of explosions:

    1. HPM or EMP Attacks: These weapons work by emitting a high-energy pulse or microwave signal that disrupts the circuitry of electronic devices. Any device that relies on batteries or sensitive electronic componentsโ€”like pagers, radios, or solar panelsโ€”could be affected by this energy, potentially causing them to overheat, malfunction, and even explode.

    2. Sequential Explosions: The staggered sequence of explosionsโ€”first the pagers, then the radios, and finally the solar panelsโ€”follows the exact pattern of how different devices would be affected by a directed energy attack. Smaller devices with simpler circuitry, like pagers, would be hit first because they are more susceptible to the initial electromagnetic wave. Radios, being larger and more complex, would take slightly longer to succumb. Solar panels, connected to more robust electrical systems, would take the longest to be overwhelmed.

    3. Targeted Electrical Systems: Solar panels themselves donโ€™t store energy, but they are connected to larger electrical systems, including inverters and batteries. These systems are also vulnerable to directed energy attacks, and the delay in explosions for solar panels could be due to the time it takes for the larger systems to absorb enough energy to fail catastrophically.

    4. Known Use of Experimental Weapons: Israel has been known to use experimental weapons in conflict zones, including in Gaza, where reports of new types of armaments tested on civilians have emerged. Itโ€™s not outside the realm of possibility that they could be using or testing directed energy weapons in Lebanon as well, especially since America is known to possess these technologies, and Israel likely has access to or has developed similar capabilities.

    5. Improbability of Rigged Explosives Across Thousands of Devices: If the explosions were caused by rigged explosives, they would have likely all occurred simultaneously for maximum impact, rather than in stages. A coordinated attack using detonators would have aimed for catastrophic damage all at once, overwhelming emergency systems and creating mass casualties. The fact that the explosions happened in a staggered manner suggests that this was not the result of conventional explosives, but rather an attack that progressively overloaded electronic devices, exactly the kind of result youโ€™d expect from an HPM or EMP weapon.

    In conclusion, while the theory that devices were rigged with explosives is possible, itโ€™s extremely unlikely due to the logistical, technical, and operational challenges. The far more plausible explanation is the use of directed energy weapons, which align with the staged sequence of explosions and the types of devices that were affected. These weapons exist, have been patented, and have been part of military arsenals, including that of the United States. Given Israelโ€™s history of using experimental weapons in conflict zones, itโ€™s not surprising that they would deploy such technology in this situation.

    The targeting of electronics like pagers, radios, and solar panels fits the profile of an electromagnetic attack, which can turn almost any device with a battery into an explosive. Itโ€™s crucial that the public understands this possibility, especially since civilian populations are often the targets of these experimental technologies. The idea that Israel would use such weapons irresponsibly on civilian populations is not far-fetched, and the international community needs to be aware of these developments to protect human rights and prevent further escalation of such tactics – and by knowing that your phone is literally a means by which the Americans and Israelis can target you at any time. I buy the lie that Chinese phone systems will be safer; although they may develop fail-safes, currently almost all modern energy systems are vulnerable to this exploit.

  3. Israel is not a country to be toyed with. I'm absolutely not condoning what has occurred since October 7th but they also have one of the largest nuclear arsenals. On top of that they're the only country other than North Korea to refuse inspection of their nukes. Along with them creating the neutron bomb. We're living in dangerous times.

  4. Should guy in blue shirt when he doesn't know if there are bombs in the store jump on him and hug him?Why you guys can't recognize facts when IDF sees "headquarters" everywhere yer in these mass killings up to 100% deaths are civilians, interestingly how they only hit 3 of their people by mistake but 55k palestinians….. brainwashed since the Iraq, you should be last to comment after leaving 1M dead people in Iraq

  5. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽ‰

  6. ZFohrman
    There once was a man with a rocket, with a pager tucked in his pocket, the code word was DOOM, the pager went BOOM, now he carries his nuts in a locket.

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