Some of these old Dr. Who Episodes were mental

Some of these old Dr. Who Episodes were mental

by MrFeatherstonehaugh

  1. I mean, the SMASH robot ads were pretty trippy too.

    And that Scotch tape ad with the skeleton was up there.

    Boy did we have some crackers back in the day.

  2. Nope nope nope nope nope! 🀣

    The Happiness Patrol is definitely one of those things that explains quite how weird us Xennials are πŸ˜€

    Edit: I watched this with the sound off first. Um…

  3. This story is actually a furious critique of Thatcherism and that government’s response to the AIDS crisis in the 80s. If you can get past Bertie effing Bassett 😁

  4. My favourite is the one that used an Action Man scorpion tank as a stand-in for a real tank. Me and my brother had this toy when we were kids and seeing it used like that on TV [on repeats] was hysterical.

    My best mate at school had all of the Dr Who episodes on VHS cassettes, this would have been around 93, so up until Sylvester McCoy I think? On weekends we’d go over his house, watch Pertwee era Who and Blakes Seven videos and laugh ourselves stupid.

    What a pair of dorks we were…


  5. I thnk this dub makes it slightly *less* ridiculous than the original.

    Syvestor McCoy was a very strange period for Dr Who.

  6. It was so cartoonishly done.. there was however something deeply menacing about the “Happiness Patrol” episodes.

    The “Kandy Man” particularly a grotesque sadistic robot designed and built to torture those deemed miserable and subversive by Helen A with sweets that would cause such intense simultaneous torment and delight victims would emerge with a “crooked smile” (original name of the episode).

    Such a pity the BBC nixed Dr who just as the Sylvester McCoy / Sophie Aldred iteration was coming into it’s own. Strange offbeat writing which reflected the emerging attitudes and subculture of the late 80s and early 90s..

  7. So what kind of monsters and villains did you fight during your time with the doctor?

    Oh you know, Allsorts

  8. I am (selectively) re-watching the Pertwee years atm and it has been an interesting experience. I had my favourite monsters (Silurians, Autons etc) so have been trawling through a lot of lesser known series that I don’t remember.

    And, looking at them now, I can understand that; shows like The Time Monster or Ambassadors of Death are, imo, badly written, badly directed or, frequently, both. I held this fond notion that all the Dr Who that I saw was universally brilliant. This has not proved to be the case.

    Still going to press on though.

  9. I love the McCoy Doctor Who. Thier modernisation of the Daleks was cool and I loved the Psychic Circus.

  10. There was some amusement park in the mid-90’s … No idea where but we were on holiday somewhere in the UK(!) anyways it had Mr Blobby (of course) and then a Doctor Who museum with all the old aliens, pretty sure that candy guy was there!

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