When a Trump Supporter says that Kamala hasn’t done anything in 3 1/2 years to fix anything, I just want to ask:

Posted by PTAwesome

  1. A Presidential administration is limited in what they can do when the house is controlled by an opposition that’s not particularly open to compromise and the Supreme court has been packed by the opposition.

    the Constitution’s authors designed it so people would have to compromise to get things done when there is mixed party government, its functioning as intended, so amazing that the people who claim to defend the Constitution don’t grasp that.

  2. You are asking maga people to react to logic, so my hunch is that it wont have any traction on them.
    Good work otherwise. I give you A.

  3. Once again, this shows how the Trump Cult has no “concept” of how government works or the powers of the V.P. They revel in their willful ignorance.

  4. *”Take all credit, accept no blame,”* has always been Trump’s modus operandi, and his supporters are more than fine with it.

  5. This is honestly why I wish candidates would talk more about needing sane people in Congress. You can compromise across the aisle but only with rational people.

    Obstructionists are gonna obstruct.

  6. He didnt change his attack campaign tactics what so ever with her, he just substitued Biden with Kamala.

  7. There are tons of these posts on TikTok.

    I always comment, “yeah why didn’t Harris save America like Pence did.

    Or any vice president ever. They never do anything.

  8. The founders they pretend to worship purposely created the VP position to be powerless so they could never challenge the president.

    They’re just the *break glass in case of emergency* president in waiting.

    They literally aren’t expected to accomplish anything *by design.*

    The synergy between defunding education and the lack of understanding how our government was designed to work is so depressingly obvious.

  9. lol tells you he knows jack shit about what VPs actually do or are constitutionally allowed to to do

  10. ![gif](giphy|hrcYhsqSfzBmwaay8H|downsized)

    *” Never administer logic to Trump supporters as it induces seizures and explosive diarrhea…”*

  11. When a Trump supporter claims Kamala Harris didn’t do anything in four years, I simply remind them that she broke the most ties in the Senate of any VP in American history, 33 in total across four years. She broke two more ties than John “The Original VP” Adams, and that *does* mean something. She got legislation passed that would have been dead on party lines. *This* is the primary job of the Vice President, the secondary job being to continue living in case the main guy kicks the bucket, and anything beyond that isn’t her official duty. Kamala Harris did her job, and for four years she had to be ready to take the mantle at the drop of a hat. As the clearly more qualified candidate, and someone who isn’t driven solely by her own ego and desperation, she is clearly a better choice than the 34 times convicted felon, serial adulterer, sex offender, fraudster who thinks immigrants “seeking asylum” come from mental institutions.

  12. Likely response: “No, because Trump is a big strong man with the best brain, and Biden is just a puppet who’s nearly braindead.”

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