Cult in ballymena?

Me and my fiancée recently got invited to attend a church service down at the Adair arms and were thinking of going, but being queer people we wanted to look into it a bit more and what comes up is ties to phaneroo, which has been called a cult, yet I hardly see evidence online and am stuck on what to do, does anyone here know more about phaneroo or
Manifest fellowship?

by wren_is_hot

  1. Is it still OK to make prank calls as an adult?

    Hello is that Olive? Hi Olive, hope you’re bouncin’ well. Olive listen to me, I’m phoning about the revealing Jesus night on Wednesdays. Yea… yea, that’s it. I’m just wondering what size he is, because I’m thinking of doing this for my wife, but I’d be a bit embarrassed if he’s bigger than me. Like I probably know what the answer is here, he’s the son of God like (hearty laugh) but I’m about 6 inches.

  2. As my mum always says, “as long as they’re not doing any harm” and I agree, frankly I’m not religious in the slightest, but if people are doing something peacefully then that’s their business.

  3. They call me white devil, black Jesus
    Heaven closes, hell freezes
    Black Jesus, white Moses
    Heaven freezes, hell closes

  4. If you’re a queer couple in Ballymena trying to decide which anti-queer radical Christian fundamentalist hate group is best for you, the answer is none of them.

  5. Do you not have bed sheets (fitted or flat) for your mattress, or even a mattress protector. I hope to god that you’re just in the process of putting fresh sheets on that mattress, but have been distracted by a cult flyer coming through your letterbox.

  6. The ‘pastor’ formerly worked in real estate and as a car dealer… trustworthy professions! The other director of this church [Jonathan James Adrian Kirkland] was formerly a director of ”the lakes vineyard church”.

    From the wiki about the Vineyard Church

    >In a 2020 letter to local church leaders, Vineyard Canada expressed its position that having a non-heterosexual orientation is not itself sinful, however the church does not allow the officiating of same sex marriages or licensing people in same sex marriages for pastoral ministry. This letter also distinguished gender identity from sexual orientation as its own theology and policy matter that requires further consideration

    [This]( post on reddit about the Vineyard Church 8 years ago also shares things about what their true motives are.

    >They have a massive HQ in Hillman’s Way, the man who runs ScoreFC is also a Vineyard man (no surprise). Exodus is also owned by Lynas / Vineyard.

    >I heard a story of a couple who wanted to become members of the church and the first question they were asked was “how much do you earn in a month.” Quickly followed by “can we set up a direct debit for your tithe”

    >They’re forever up town asking people if they can pray for / with them. They target schoolchildren by handing out sweets every Friday.

    So you could expect speaking in tongues, faith healing, and prophesying. As well as some anti-LGBT sentiment and being asked for money…

  7. Alive and revived? When did the fucking Rapture happens lads? I could do with a day off work and a bag of cans

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