Report: Turkey can re-enter F-35 program if S-400 system is housed at NATO base

Report: Turkey can re-enter F-35 program if S-400 system is housed at NATO base

Report: Turkey can re-enter F-35 program if S-400 system is housed at NATO base

by turkish__cowboy

  1. This seems like a bad idea to me, but I suppose there are a lot of different ways to slice that apple. I just can’t imagine what would be worth exposing that technology in that way, but theoretically I imagine it exists…

  2. That would be for the best. No matter our differences, our place should be with the West, not with that freak show called BRICS. Eurasianists here get horny even with the thought of Russia. It’s no surprise they cheered S-400 acquisition when it happened. They even made up stories in order to downplay F-35 and its abilities; like you can only run it with a code from the U.S. every time, or it’s still riddled with chronic problems etc etc…

  3. LMAO what a joke. Turkey should just say fuck you and stick to their own 5th gen program, it seems like it has potential. Their Aviation industry as a whole did quite well recently, it would be unwise to just throw this away to please the US. I have the feeling like if they say yes, they will in some way somehow just get scammed by the US.

  4. US can also sell the F-35 technology to russia, china and iran directly.

    Stupidity has no limits.

    If turkey wants to trade the s-400 for F35 what stops them to trade the F-35 for something else.

    What stops turkey and whatever else to reverse engineer the plane?

  5. Sounds like a decent compromise maybe?

    The US clearly overplayed their hand with Turkey, considering Russias nuclear power ambitions within Turkey, but this would allow both sides to mostly save face, and move forward.

  6. I mean eh at this point. I rather develop our 5th generation to be less dependent on US arm sales considering Trump may come.

  7. So basically give it up, finder’s keepers losers weepers, it’s on goals now, your prize is F35s, UA gets to do the I’m rubber your glue what bounces off me sticks to you, with those s-400’s!

  8. Every time Turkey gets brought up in terms of geo politics, I always think of what could have been… If the US and Turkey had found a better way to work together in the fight against ISIS, it would have brought the two countries close together. Like brothers.

    Instead we had Erdogan and his spewing of anti US bullshit to help his own popularity, and also my government and their controlling, preaching, sanction happy ways. It just wasn’t meant to be…

    Maybe the next decade will be different, when Turkey gets a different leader, and the US can learn to be a little more humble when dealing with countries that don’t necessarily love us, but could be a good partner in certain circumstances, like Turkey.

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