What is your take on The Overtoun Bridge phenomena? Why do so many dogs go insane on it and jump off?

It’s honestly quite horrifying.

by Aqn95

  1. Someone said they smell something they want to chase and don’t realise size drop other side wall

  2. I looked into it this one time and speaking to a wildlife expert in the area he was pretty sure the answer was mink urine.

    Dogs sense of smell is 10k-100k times better than our own and the stench given off by mink urine is so pungent that the dogs lose all sense of reality and bound towards it.

    The shaping of the stone edges of the bridge – along with the rising hills around it – could trick dogs into thinking it’s safe, flat ground over the side walls instead of the 40ft drop.

    I mean, I’m not saying it’s NOT ghost dogs but… this could also be the answer to your question.

  3. I have read that the most likely explanation is due to the surrounding landscape it appears like it is simple a wall and not a high bridge, the wind etc making noises under the bridge make the dog want to check out the weirdness and they plummet to their death.

  4. I was told some guy killed his baby there thinking he was the devil. The dogs are leaping to try save the baby ghost.

  5. I was told some guy killed his baby there thinking he was the devil. The dogs are leaping to try save the baby ghost.

  6. The saddest part is over 600 dogs have jumped, you’d think at around 300 people would start going “you know what, maybe we shouldn’t take the dog there”

  7. Hey, that looks just like that place we used to camp under. Strangest thing, these dogs would just come out of nowhere. So we’d tape our campfire bacon to the side of the bridge so they couldn’t get to it.

  8. Along with the Shatner programme, there was another one narrated by Brian Cox (the actor from Dundee), which basically highlighted the theories already mentioned here.

    What I want to know is why people haven’t tried to test out the theories, like the mink smell one. Just have dogs tied to bungee ropes as a precaution. Solved.

  9. I live in the street next to overtoun bridge. Was always scared to walk my dog over the bridge when I was younger because of the rumours.

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