Indonesia, NZ deny Papua rebel claim ‘bribe’ paid for pilot release

Indonesia, NZ deny Papua rebel claim ‘bribe’ paid for pilot release

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  1. For context, there has been a long-running conflict between pro-independence fighters and Indonesian authority in Papua since 1960s after the territory was absorbed into Indonesia. Indonesia has been accused of controlling Papua through repressive method.

    The main rebel group, TPNPB-OPM, is known for conducting guerilla warfare, kidnapping, killings of soldiers and civilians, and destruction of public property. Philip Merhtens, a bush pilot from New Zealand, was one of the latest victim of TPNPB’s kidnapping. Egianus Kogoya, rebel commander in Nduga, has threatened to execute the pilot if the demand for independence was not fulfilled.

    Many pro-independence activists and exiles has demanded for the release of Philip Merhtens. However, there’s almost no coordination and consensus among the various circles and factions in the pro-independence movement. As the Indonesian government becomes more democratic and the rebellion grows more radicalized and factionalized, many Papuans become more pragmatist and do not support the rebels’ actions.

    Philip Merhtens was finally released after 19 months in captivity without repressive action from Indonesian authority although at least 6 Indonesian soldiers were killed trying to free the NZer. Humanist and cultural approach through the help of the church, tribal community, various activists, and local authorities have been credited for the success.

    However, division soon emerges within the rebel group after the spokesperson for the group HQ accused Egianus Kogoya of insubordination and accepting bribes in exchange for Philip’s release. The HQ has threatened to give harsh punishment for Egianus.

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