UPDATE: “Found (Pet?) Bird in Battersea”, the Lost Budgie.

I met up with Erebus172 today and have taken in the lost budgie found in Battersea Park, here are some pictures of the budgie in her new home. I will quarantine her for 3 weeks and also take her to the vet for a checkup after she's settled in for a bit. I will keep an eye on lost pet boards (Etc) but if nobody has claimed her after 3 weeks (or can convincingly prove that she belongs to them), I will adopt her as my own.

by Creative_Recover

  1. I met up with Erebus172 today and have taken in the lost budgie found in Battersea Park, here are some pictures of the budgie in her new home.

    I will quarantine her for 3 weeks and also take her to the vet for a checkup after she’s settled in for a bit. I will keep an eye on lost pet boards (Etc) but if nobody has claimed her after 3 weeks (or can convincingly prove that she belongs to them), I will adopt her as my own.

    Edit: Link to original thread (if anyone’s interested): https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1fnfwd4/found_pet_bird_in_battersea/

  2. Some constructive criticism:

    Remove the bells as birds can rip out the inside and choke on them. The hooks/clips for cage attachment are common in toys, but also not great as birds can get their beak stuck in them, especially parrots that are notorious for chewing shiny objects.

    Bamboo is not a good choice for perches as it is too smooth and the bird will struggle to climb it. Also a variety of branches in different thickness is necessary to prevent (can’t remember the exact name, but it’s essentially blistering). Make sure main branches are fully horizontal as long term leaning can cause pain, just like sleeping or sitting incorrectly can cause pain for humans.

    Also she, yes bird is a she (for those who don’t know), needs budgie seed and a cuttlebone for calcium. Fresh fruit and vegetables are necessary at all times. Avoid stuff like lettuce as it’s mostly water and very little vitamins. Sweet fruit should be used as a treat and not as a main diet in high proportion. Research what foods are budgie safe and some are not.

    As for the future, don’t get other females with her as they will fight usually. Especially this one as she is quite hormonal. You can see this from the thickness of the cere and its colour. One or two males as companions would be better. However, if you get more birds you need a much larger cage. To prevent breading behaviours, never introduce a breeding box or dark places of any kind. Breeding can be detrimental to health if done wrong and can also cause fights.

  3. Thank you so much to u/creative_recover! I’ve been stressing about this since I found her yesterday so it’s great to know she’s with someone that will properly care for her.

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