Arteta on Arsenal’s approach after going down to 10 men “We had to play that game. We were thrown in a very different context and did what every team does. We were in that same situation with Xhaka after 38 minutes and we lost 5-0. We’d better learn. If not I would be thick, very thick.”

Arteta on Arsenal’s approach after going down to 10 men “We had to play that game. We were thrown in a very different context and did what every team does. We were in that same situation with Xhaka after 38 minutes and we lost 5-0. We’d better learn. If not I would be thick, very thick.”

by SamDamSam0

  1. I’m just watching other rivals to see how they approach their game at the Etihad since they have strong opinions on how we should beat what almost everyone considers to be the best team in the world.

    I’m here for the moral victories.
    However you want to take it.

  2. Should have just been really naive and attacked and lost 5-2.

    All the people complaining that we didn’t do it the right way while playing away at City while winning and down to 10 would have been really complimentary then.


  3. I think it’s pretty obvious how to get spanked at Man City, and that’s to go toe to toe, most teams that do that lose. Arsenal didn’t do anything revolutionary, they defended most of the game and defended well. Other teams have also done that there and got results.

  4. Don’t really understand how people expected Arsenal to play against City at the Etihad with 9 outfield players. Even Real Madrid decided to lock up shop against this City side & I think it was Bernardo that came out whining about it. Clubs play in a way to get results, sometimes it’ll be brilliant and flashy, sometimes I’ll be a snooze fest & others it’ll just be a game of few tweaks.

    As a Chelsea fan, if we’re down to 10 men & leading any top side 2-1 bro I’m more than happy to stink the heck out of the stadium.

  5. Absolutely. Could have just done a Spuds v Chelsea last season and gotten absolutely spanked. It’s amazing all the good press Ange received for that capitulation yet a heroic rear guard display, one of the type that we’ve faced repeatedly over the last few decades, gets ignored in some quarters and roundly criticised in others. Mikel is so good at handling the media side though, he’s got an answer for everything. Good on him.

  6. Lets not act like Arsenal didnt park the bus last year and didnt start this game with 10 players at their own box as well, shall we

  7. Bold tactic from Arteta, not setting his team up to allow City 5 goals unanswered. Who does he think he is?

  8. Where was this shit when teams would park the bus at arsenal, we’d out play them and they’d score with their only shot??

    It was all about how naive we were and how we don’t like it up us?

  9. Although frustrating to watch, parking the bus was the best approach in that situation, which almost paid off.

    I can imagine it must be frustrating to play against. Add to that the dubious nature of the first goal, and with our key player going off injured some time after a tackle on him, it’s a recipe for high tempers.

    Anyone with a level head will agree that both teams made the best out of the situation.

  10. I’m confused why this is such a big talking point? They played for the win/draw against a Man City team who had a player advantage for most of the game. Plus, we shouldn’t be too shocked by Arsenal being defensive, they already play with 4 CB’s in their team and have mainly focused on being solid at the back, very much like Jose teams of old!

    Comes across as the media are upset that someone didn’t just roll over and let City win lol

  11. We used to bend and spread in big games for years under Wenger. We stopped doing that.

    We used to buy nothing but technically brilliant midgets who got bullied about because we were soft. We stopped doing that.

    We used to buy super aggressive Full Backs who would be regularly caught in no man’s land, leading to conceding. We stopped doing that and got in CB’s who can play FB.

    And for doing these 3 things, and improving in areas we have historically sucked at, we are sniped at because we’re not the free naive hit that we used to be.

    We have 0 obligations to play attacking football in any game, nevermind City Away while leading with 10 men… do one. And if we’re > 3 points ahead of City when we play them again at home (Unlikely, but could be), we should do similar conservative football again. It’s a trade off of risk and reward.

  12. Why is everyone talking about their game after the red card?! It’s like they didn’t have 30% possession in the first half as well. They played with 11 players for 50 minutes and yet Haverts and Timber don’t have a single pass completed. They scored from a fluke 1 in a million shot, not a brilliant tactical masterpiece and… a corner. The only chance they got was another corner. That’s it. That’s what City players and fans “complain” about. That even Brentford showed more teeth than the so called title contender. Everybody and their grandmother knew that after the red card and a goal up they are going to play the game in the six yard box. I guess you can celebrate not losing at the Etihad at the end of the season, just not sure how you are gonna put this in the team photo for next year.

  13. I’m so sick of this talk 🤬

    Fuck any fans who or pundits who think Arsenal shouldn’t have parked the bus. **They were down to 10 men vs the best club in the world, while leading** — what the f were they supposed to do? Every other club would do the exact same and no one would have batted an eye. It’s literally what you’re supposed to do

    Also – Arsenal’s best attribute is their defence. Why shouldn’t they use it to their advantage?
    – All these City players bitched and moaned after the game because for the first time in 10 years, Arsenal didn’t spread their cheeks vs them at the Etihad. It used to be 4-0 to City every time. Now it becomes a little bit tough for them, and Haaland, Rodri, Akanji, Stones, and Bernardo ALL cried about after the game.
    – and btw — one of Wenger’s biggest criticisms was that he couldn’t manage big games away from home. They got slapped silly so many times away. And now Arteta is doing exactly the opposite and everyone is angry??? Which one is it?

    Unbelievable. So sick of this story.

  14. As much as it pains me to say this as a United fan, all the talk about Arsenal and the ‘dark arts’ is probably the best compliment they can get. The fact that they are getting under people’s skin means that they are a real threat, this is a huge step forward for them as a club. They also got the result away from home, even with the joke that is Michael Oliver reffing a City game (or any game for that matter).

  15. Peak Liverpool had Mane sent off and lost 5-0 to city.

    Perfectly reasonable for Arsenal to play whatever way gets the result. Especially when the league has been decided in City’s favour by literal inches.

  16. I’m tired of this conversation boss. You’re 2-1 up at a stadium where the home team hasn’t lost in almost 2 years and you go down to ten men, of course you’re gonna pull out the double decker and park it in the 18 yard box.

  17. People used to hate on Mourinho for setting up like that with Chelsea, but now Arteta gets lauded for playing like this

  18. Arsenal can’t be bullied on the pitch anymore and people don’t like it.

    We were 2-1 up in a stadium where the home team just does not lose and we were down to 10 men.

    Anyone saying they would have played differently is lying.

  19. I don’t really understand why there is so much controversy surrounding it. They were down a man, trying to preserve a 1 goal lead, against one of the best teams on the planet away at a tough ground. Parking the bus and sitting as deep as they did is not controversial or cowardly IMHO. It was pragmatic. I don’t begrudge them for doing the same last year at full strength either. It works and salvaged a point when they could’ve lost after going down a man.

    Do I think Arsenal’s play so far this season has been less exciting than years prior? Yes. Does losing Odegaard and Rice make their team less effective in controlling the midfield? Yes.

    We can argue about fouls, missed calls, second yellows and all that. But tactically they were pragmatic which I don’t think anyone can fault Arteta or the players for. I’ve watched my club blow a 2 goal lead at the Etihad and it’s crushing…

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