Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

Posted by P_a_s_g_i_t_24

  1. You might call this “Rape Tape” or “The PedoFiles”.
    How this man dodges all this is still baffling to me.

  2. “Renewed scrutiny”… I feel like it’s been way too long since we got another Trump indictment

  3. Please get him. The man is going to die of old age before facing any form of justice. The american justice system is pathetic. The poor go to jail for stealing bread or smoking pot, while the rich get to go free after committing the biggest, most unbelievably inhumane crimes.

  4. Yes! Go after this scumbag. He’s been allowed to get away with all this for decades. Enough is enough.

  5. His followers claim every bad thing said about him is a lie. You can’t reason with them at all.

  6. Case 5:16-cv-00797 … look it up … pages 3 & 4 of main document show why Trump will join Epstein in hell. Imagine what a dictator could do to people’s wives, husbands, daughters and sons

  7. “That kid was a whore and was asking for it.” – his followers if an actual tape ever existed.

  8. The fact that this guy remains free and has a chance at becoming president again just shows how broken and corrupt the justice system is. Like if you have a bit of drugs in your pocket you go straight to jail but if you attempt a coup after losing an election you get a slap on the wrist.

  9. After he loses to Kamala Harris, we as a people need to make it our goal to let him know that his legacy will be one of failure. His last thoughts need to be pure disgust with himself.

  10. This man has done 100+ more reprehensible things in his life than the average incarcerated person. It’s beyond frustrating that he’ll likely never face any actual consequences. For those of you who continue to enable him: you’re a piece of shit human being.

  11. I’ve been trying to talk to people about this for years. There’s quite a bit of information on the Internet. I have a stored on my computer … The cord dockets. They allegedly both gang raped a 13-year-old fighting for her virginity. And there are more pictures of Trump with Epstein than almost any other distasteful political or financial giant.

  12. This story can’t get buried again. It has to see the light of day more mainstream media, social media. Someone needs to make it viral. If you know anyone can make it viral on TikTok or any other platform please do so.

  13. See the fucked up part, this girl would have been the exact same age as Ivanka…and or still is I guess

  14. The “Katie Johnson” rape allegedly took place in 1997 when she was 13 years old. Ivanka Trump was also 13 years old in 1997.

  15. I wish this was renewed scrutiny was really going to result in both a conviction and MAGAts seeing the light of truth. History tells me, I will be disappointed.

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