What are some other quotes from famous people that would fit perfectly in this sub?

What are some other quotes from famous people that would fit perfectly in this sub?

by Agricorps

  1. “You need to be lucky every time, we only need to be lucky once” 

    – Anonymous Irish chaps

  2. > too dumb to socialize

    If you’re going to put words in his mouth, don’t make him sound like a present-day Yanktard

  3. “Parece que los gitanos y gitanas solamente nacieron en el mundo para ser ladrones: nacen de padres ladrones, críanse con ladrones, estudian para ladrones; y, finalmente, salen con ser ladrones corrientes y molientes a todo ruedo, y la gana del hurtar y el hurtar son en ellos como accidentes inseparables, que no se quitan sino con la muerte”.

    Miguel de Cervantes, a true European.


  4. “If other parts of the world have monkeys, Europe has French people. This compensates for that.”

    Arthur Schopenhauer

  5. “Swedish people will make up anything to get attention away from the fact they are useless cunts destined for failure” -Albert Einstein

  6. “Ah English cuisine… At first you think it’s shit and then you regret that it isn’t.”

    Jacques Chirac, former French president.

    Also the same, still about British gastronomy :

    “You can’t trust people who cook as badly as that. After Finland, it’s the country with the worst food.”

  7. “English cuisine, at first, we think it’s shit and then we regret that it’s not. » Jacques Chirac, former french president

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