“Let them arrest me”: 99-year-old may chain herself to Wimbledon grounds. Actor Thelma Ruby vows protest if expansion approved. All England Club seeking green light for 39 new courts

“Let them arrest me”: 99-year-old may chain herself to Wimbledon grounds. Actor Thelma Ruby vows protest if expansion approved. All England Club seeking green light for 39 new courts


Posted by Make_the_music_stop

  1. “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”

    Enjoy your remaining years and let the rest of us focus on improving this country.

  2. “environmental grounds” because the view out her window will be a building site for a few years 

    Get over it

  3. I don’t give a toss about this old bags view from her window but it does beg the question, what is currently on the plot where this new development is proposed?

    If it’s green public space then this absolutely shouldn’t happen, if it’s a golf course that’s being swapped for tennis courts then she can piss off.

  4. Not your land? Then shut up and sit down.

    Land being nationalised by the TCPA (1947) has had trickle down effects on our economy to the current day. Just fucking psychotic that a few grannies here, a few commies there, get to block capital investment anywhere they please.

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