Zelensky to present ‘victory plan’ to Ukraine’s war with Russia | BBC News

Zelensky to present ‘victory plan’ to Ukraine’s war with Russia | BBC News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is set to present a “plan for victory” in the country’s war with Russia to President Joe Biden during this week’s visit to the US.

Zelensky also intends to present the plan to US Congress and presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

President Zelensky stopped in Biden’s birth town of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to visit a munitions factory involved in supplying the Ukrainian war effort.

Zelensky will also travel to New York and the United Nations for a planned meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday and a speech at the General Assembly on Wednesday.

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  1. germany it used to be a place where you could have a meal and not worry about a homosexual but because of mr. obama there is now in germany the gay agenda and the damage this has caused germany you cannot eat in a restaurant today in germany without being served by a homosexual

  2. Zelensky victory plan??? 😂😂😂😂😂 its never , never . Puppet never win …… / Geopolitical victim ., No single example where America involved & there America win .,, its never ., America is a curse

  3. Zelensky is taking too much money from the USA, USA could use that money for themselves in improving living conditions for us citizens(healthcare, homelessness, etc), but who's cares, where there is war, there is money.

  4. if I went in a restaurant and a homosexual was serving the food my first reaction is get up and walk out I do not want to eat around that

  5. YT needs to do something about Russians swarming the comments. Goggle has the so called "AI", enough computational capabilities and skilled employees to deal eith it.

  6. Germany 200 years ago was moral they understood natural law they were happy and conservative but germany today is governed by mr. obama and you know this has caused depression both in people and the economy and the gay agenda is not acceptable in a place like germany we have to speak out

  7. 4hs ago he said the Peace with Russia is closer then we think. Now he's signing bombs. WTF is going on? This happens when you let Mr Bean run the country.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. zelensky is supported by mr. obama but if mr. obama was not doing the policy for US we would not allow zelensky to come anywhere around US but mr. obama does not care about US

  9. He wants fast track Nato membership for Ukraine before the US election. That way Russia would be fighting a Nato member. Apart from that there is no victory plan. Ukraine are on the brink of collapse and Zelensky knows it. It's not a victory plan it's a last desperate plea.

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