Ukrainian GUR reports that their units successfully liberated the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant after a complex and intense operation. On September 24, several special groups conducted a clearing of the plant, engaging in heavy combat, including hand-to-hand fighting with Russian forces.

Ukrainian GUR reports that their units successfully liberated the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant after a complex and intense operation. On September 24, several special groups conducted a clearing of the plant, engaging in heavy combat, including hand-to-hand fighting with Russian forces.

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. Note: The operation was carried out by special groups of GUR: “Stugna”, “Paragon”, “Yunger”, BDK, “Terror”.

  2. I can’t believe these russians didn’t choose to surrender when they were obviously cut off and starving. Must have been some hard core extremists

  3. Sorry this is a stupid comment but there will be some great video games and movies made about this war.

  4. Sadly, for ruzzia this is likely still something they would consider a victory as what is left is totally demolished. ruzzia knows it is going to lose, but the more complete destruction it leaves behind as it is shown the door the better. So I am a firm advocate that when it comes to time to rebuild 100% of the costs be debited to ruzzian funds being held by western banks ($300 billion USD is apparently frozen). Let ruzzia pay for its terrorist actions.

    Kudos to the brave Ukrainian soldiers. ruzzia is pushing hard in a select group of places seeking some sort of propaganda win for Oct 1.

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